Friday, July 31, 2009


Adults who should know better feel driven to text. Read article here.

Check out article on CNN about the Newly Licensed Car Magnets!

Way to go Susan! Click here to read.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Virginia Tech cell phone research on driving distraction

New data from Virginia Tech Transportation Institute provides insight into cell phone use and driving distraction

Combined, these studies continuously observed drivers for more than 6 million miles of driving. VTTI’s studies that included light vehicle drivers and truck drivers, manual manipulation of phones such as dialing and texting of the cell phone lead to a substantial increase in the risk of being involved in a safety-critical event such as a crash or near-crash. However, talking or listening increased risk much less for light vehicles and not at all for trucks. Text messaging on a cell phone was associated with the highest risk of all cell phone related tasks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

U.S. withheld data on risks of distracted driving

Read article in New York Times (MSNBC) on research conducted by NSTSA on use of cell phones while driving.

In 2003, researchers at a federal agency proposed a long-term study of 10,000 drivers to assess the safety risk posed by cellphone use behind the wheel.
They sought the study based on evidence that such multitasking was a serious and growing threat on America’s roadways.
But such an ambitious study never happened. And the researchers’ agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, decided not to make public hundreds of pages of research and warnings about the use of phones by drivers — in part, officials say, because of concerns about angering Congress.

More here.